How to spot the difference between a White Dial Cartier Tank replica and an authentic piece? My answer is hardly ever because I got it only from a very reliable manufacturer of quality replicas in time pieces. I’m not trying to be a cheapskate when it comes to a wardrobe essential. It’s just that I am only paying for just a small portion of its original price while satisfied wearing a knockoff that looks exactly like an original.
Let’s be real, White Dial Cartier Tank replica is still a replica but I will tell you my experience about wearing my replica over an original which I tried at a watch store. Here are some of my considerations why prefer a fake Cartier and many other luxury timepieces.

Why buy the White Dial Cartier Tank replica watch?
Wearing a Cartier is like an esteemed status that only the rich and famous can afford. That’s because the company continuously design and introduce time pieces that speaks highly of elegance and opulence. My Cartier Tank Anglaise 30mm White Dial Replica serves the same purpose for me but I did not pay for the original piece’s price. Though it’s not an easy feat to spot a fake Cartier from a genuine. It will take a very keen and expert eyes and tool to do it.
Comparison of White Dial Cartier Tank replica with the genuine model
Shopping for my White Dial Cartier Tank replica watch was very easy and convenient for me because I always go to It helps to find a one-stop shop where I can have a wide selection of luxury and grade A quality pieces but at a very affordable price. Let me tell you a few things an expert looks into.
- Scratch-proof Glass. My Cartier replica uses Sapphire glass which makes it fairly hard to test vs an original.
- Materials used. When I tried wearing an original Cartier on my right hand and a replica on my left, I couldn’t feel any difference on the actual weight. There is no telling which is what since replicas are using the best quality in materials as closest as they can get to the original.
- Cobochon Stone. Each of Cartier’s time pieces are set with a Cobochon Stone in its winder. Believe me, the intricate crafting of my fake Cartier looks the same with how an original is securely fastened.

Main Features of White Dial Cartier Tank replica Replica
White Dial Cartier Tank replica can be a great start for your collection because of its versatility and fashion statement like no other. This is the perfect alternative for owning great pieces of watches without anyone knowing how much you spent on it. But who’s to know? Not even an expert can tell sometimes.
- Dial – The white/silvery dial maintains a dignified look on every gentleman’s wrists with the tiny royal shade of blue in its crown. While the date displays plays a very important function when I need to remind myself the date without looking into a calendar or my phone.
- Bracelet– The link bracelet 195 x20mm in length has stainless-steel with its clasp hidden perfect for formal occasions and meetings.
- Case– Polished stainless-steel. The screwed down back case is likewise made of brushed stainless- steel complete with the signature Cartier engravings.
- Movement: This replica uses Quartz movement or battery operated and uses high quality Japanese Miyota.
White Dial Cartier Tank replica: The Bottom Line
Cartier is a must have for the men and women in high society. For an average or frugal person like me White Dial Cartier Tank replica is the best option. The functionality of a reliable watch and the elegance and prestige of wearing a Cartier is an excellent combination especially when you only have to pay for a few hundreds of dollars instead of thousands.

Additional Information White Dial Cartier Tank replica
Dial Color- Silver
Diameter -39x 30mm
Crown -crystal stud in blue sapphire is set in polished stainless-steel. While niched in the bezel is the cutwork crown
Bezel- Polished stainless-steel bezel where the crown is niched
Glass- Sapphire Crystal
Bracelet Length- 195x 20mm
Case Thickness- 10mm
Movement- Quartz -Battery
Quality -Japanese Miyota
Shipping Size- Small